Agence dans le metaverse
Bienvenue dans le Metaverse ! Notre agence est spécialisée dans la création d’expériences immersives innovantes. Nous travaillons avec les dernières technologies pour fournir des solutions qui redéfinissent les limites de l’expérience utilisateur.

[AR] réalité augmentée
Cybel’Art crée des expériences captivantes en utilisant la réalité augmentée pour ajouter des éléments virtuels à la réalité physique.

Cybel’Art’s phygital experiences combine the physical and digital worlds to deliver personalized, interactive experiences.

[VR] réalité virtuelle
With virtual reality, Cybel’Art enables users to plunge into immersive, interactive worlds for entertainment or training experiences.

Cybel’Art offers customized web solutions to help companies grow in the digital marketplace, providing websites, applications and e-commerce solutions.

[XR] Réalité MIXTE
Cybel’Art combines virtual and augmented reality technologies to create even more immersive experiences, blending physical and virtual reality.

Web 3.0
Cybel’Art explores the possibilities of the next generation of web technologies, including blockchain and the Internet of Things, to create innovative solutions for businesses and users.

Une révolution dans le monde numérique.
At Cybel’Art, we use cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality and holography to push back the boundaries of the digital world. Our innovative solutions, icologram®, icolocoin® and icolocard®, offer unique, immersive visual experiences. Thanks to our phygital approach, we bring physical objects to life by integrating digital elements to create memorable and differentiating experiences. Explore the new digital frontiers with Cybel’Art and strengthen your business with our revolutionary solutions.
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Notre Agence digitale Suisse vous propose des solutions innovantes
As a leading digital agency, Cybel’Art focuses on innovation and security to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Our phygital solutions, icologram®, icolocoin® and icolocard®, combine the physical and digital worlds to create unique, immersive experiences that strengthen your business. We also guarantee the security, traceability and transparency of digital transactions, allowing you to focus on growing your business with confidence. Call on Cybel’Art to transform your customer experiences and ensure the protection of your digital transactions.

The contraction between « icon » and « hologram » and represents the digitization of a living artist or high-level educator.

Grâce à icologram® Show et aux accords signés avec des leaders du domaine nous sommes en mesure de diffuser nos icologram® à travers le monde…

A utility token issued on the Ethereum 2.0 blockchain
containing a staking mechanism to validate license transactions.
Découvrez notre Studio d’humanités digitales
Pionniers du Phygital, Fusionnant Art et Technologie pour des Expériences Immersives
We use an innovative approach by combining the most advanced resources, such as augmented reality, holography and the phygital world, to create immersive and unique visual experiences, while guaranteeing the security and transparency of digital transactions.
Our creative studio is made up of passionate professionals skilled in creating unique and original augmented reality and phygital experiences.